Two thorns on a brown thumb One thorn
in a brown thumb Three thorns and red fingers A joke can kill!
Nsukka, the journey your check is in the
mail, ha ha jokes can kill jokes can cure For pain is only in the mind- hello Second chance, always a miracle
Second choice, never a miracle, never admirable
Nsukka, the journey Nsukka, the return? Now Fast food
dinner Walk in the streets Talk in the streets Unusual bills to pay Talk in the streets Walk in the streets
Lost years in travails jungles Why some men hit their wives And wonder so long that way
As the rise and
fall and fall of a falling hero Fuels souls with inspiration But doesnt knowledge breed dominion
While the
rise and fall and rise of a rising hero Feeds all with aspiration, yet Increase in knowledge may beget denominations
Act I: When the oil palm Fruit ripens for one With a blunt
matchet, Is that fortune?
Collect nuts from My palm fruit- is an act of Hospitality- but the visitor Never
takes home the fruit bulk
same mother different destinies As no two palms are exactly the same Yes, they
came with trade word And they are still stealing from our soil Their promises like baskets of flowers same mother
different destinies For they are greedy Insatiable like some of us
Act II Is it not that When
one returns from a distant town with lumps and meat chops filling his bag- it is those he gave who gave back to
him? For it is said that It is at the home of the kind one that birds build nests around.
And The
child who pays tribute to Nze is offering sacrifices For his own time But you still question ways of our elders
ways of our wisdom.
FOR WHEN the eye Of the earth Throws down Its
spears And the waters of the heaven With its tears. We Lift our hoes to the hills And we Lift our baskets
from the hills For our land Is rich.
THE PRIEST came with a ritual to
bring the sick to life and to drift the evil away but the soil bred, grew less food the vent pond allowed, reflected
no Mirror Images the solitude within man wandered and the wonder of heavens spears within that we were
dying in goldfields thorns of pressed shrubs, impress pierce into our bare bodies that we tried crying in our
cropfields rainbow, rare, no common sight.
Such so, priest, all high: from the four corners of the earth all
came with a spell, bound: as to water the land, the fields as to fertilize, enrich the fields but soil grew, only
bred more food and the ponds mirrored images but multitude within, wandered.
Such so, that God from His thrown,
heaven came to tell cleansing us, free and now, we are.
An African
wooden shrine sculpture behind plexiglass in a museum in the West
Look at the Fate Of an Abandoned
Glass over the Face Of the Abominable god Children now how here misuse as Play mate, doll
Naked, unclothed. Alone now how here the Place Of the Looted god Children abuse... misuse Ooze
into dough, ooze into Goooze dough.
I SAID to them, We say to
ourselves As they said to themselves This is the way we are: The ones who have knives Have no yams; those
Who have yams Have blunt knives.
I said to them We say to ourselves As they said to themselves This
is the way we live
Yet, they stood a-gap Trails and traps o toy-tigers, sirens Kin characters in search of
authors, fortune Why are you listening to the bip? Sounds character that can to exile Banish banner over us that
is God So I say to all We say to ourselves As they will say to themselves This is the way we live We...
now laugh For we now know how it is.
WHEN OLD friends meet Relics
and goals Upward to the heavens, shot Secrets into no ears, told
As we celebrate life reminiscences let
us all remember that brown is the color of earth
WHEN OLD friends meet Relics and goals Upward to forest
of stars, shot Secrets into no ears, unfold
As the voice accompanying the masquerade muffles let us
not forget that green is a color of leaves red is not a color of the sea.
Neednt blame, question how For it is by The realm that we take A bowl of hot soup
blame, question how It is With smooth tongue That the snail climbs over thorns
Neednt blame, question
questions That, where The child picked a giant snail There always his bearing
Neednt blame, question questions
For the hunter With one arrow Rarely shoots high into the sky
Neednt blame, question That we may Protect
this that is ours This that is: ours.
