The blacksmith is back to the furnace His knife is not sharp enough Fisherman haws taken a retreat His shack mending the wide eyed nets The masquerade is gone back To the ritual house to sit In a circular row with ancestors Even mother hen with chicks at their nest A waits the tomorrow, it will be tales Told by footprints on the dunes of time The dust settled and people buoyed or sapped A lizard nodes for the umpteenth He! The legate of an Iroko cap The spiral coil of an idiot Cannot hid its Idiot-itude As the saggy jaw of the shamed Remains Eloquent tale of Victor and Vanquish By this time tomorrow, it will be history Then town crier sets for new task Many moons have passed But distance gone bye recedes Distance to cover retreats And now is in quandary Accomplishments or aspirations Now is the full colour bloom Waiting for workers and harvesters By next-tomorrow we check the score-board For history and ahistory.